What are High Touch Surfaces & How Often Should They Be Cleaned?

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Maintaining cleanliness is crucial, especially in environments where people gather, such as hospitals. High touch surfaces, like doorknobs, handles, and exam room equipment, demand particular attention due to frequent contact. Let’s explore what high touch surfaces are and how often they should be cleaned to ensure a hygienic environment.

What Constitutes High Touch Surfaces?

This encompasses various objects and areas that people frequently come into contact with throughout their day. In hospitals, for instance, these may include doorknobs, handles, exam room equipment, and bathroom fixtures. These surfaces serve as hotspots for the transmission of germs and bacteria due to the frequent touching they endure.

Importance in Healthcare Settings

In healthcare settings, the significance of maintaining clean high touch surfaces cannot be overstated. Hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities are hotspots for infectious diseases, making thorough cleaning and disinfection protocols essential. From door handles to examination tables, every surface plays a role in preventing the spread of illnesses among patients and healthcare workers.

Cleaning High Touch Surfaces: Best Practices

Frequency of Cleaning

Regular cleaning schedules are paramount when it comes to high touch surfaces. In hospitals, these surfaces should ideally be cleaned multiple times a day, considering the high volume of people passing through and the potential for contamination. Daily disinfection routines are often necessary to mitigate the risk of infection transmission effectively.

Focus Areas for Cleaning

In healthcare facilities, specific areas demand heightened attention during cleaning routines. These include handles in consultation rooms, equipment in examination rooms, and frequently used bathrooms. Ensuring these areas receive thorough cleaning and disinfection can significantly reduce the risk of germ transmission and promote a safer environment for patients and staff alike.

Emergency Preparedness

In addition to routine cleaning schedules, it’s crucial to have protocols in place for emergency situations. In the event of staffing shortages or unexpected incidents, staff should be prepared to step in and perform cleaning duties as needed. Having designated individuals or backup plans ensures that high touch surfaces remain adequately maintained, even in challenging circumstances.

Implementing Effective Cleaning Strategies

Proper Cleaning Techniques

When cleaning high touch surfaces, it’s essential to use appropriate cleaning agents and techniques. Disinfectants approved by relevant health authorities should be used to effectively kill germs and bacteria. Additionally, thorough cleaning practices, such as wiping down surfaces with disinfectant-soaked cloths and allowing sufficient contact time, are essential for optimal results.

Staff Training and Awareness

Ensuring that staff members are adequately trained in cleaning protocols is essential for maintaining hygiene standards. From proper disinfectant use to identifying high touch surfaces, education plays a vital role in effective cleaning practices. Regular training sessions and reminders help reinforce the importance of cleanliness in healthcare settings.

In Summary

High touch surfaces play a critical role in the transmission of germs and bacteria, particularly in healthcare settings. Regular cleaning and disinfection of these surfaces are essential for maintaining a hygienic environment and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. By implementing thorough cleaning protocols, focusing on key areas, and ensuring staff readiness for emergencies, hospitals and medical facilities can effectively reduce the risk of infection transmission among patients and staff.

For inquiries about our cleaning services or further information on high touch surface cleaning, please contact us.

Cerena Dvorak

Cerena Dvorak

Owner, Cleaning Up KC


Contact us today to create a stunning space with our extensive catalog of cleaning services. We proudly serve the entire Greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area.

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